Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Reminder from Today

As we start a new week at our jobs, school, or at home, I wanted to just encourage you all to remember highlights from today's message. Today, we discussed our core value: We Seek Those Far From God. As you encounter co-workers, family members, and friends who are far from God; remember how Jesus responded or dealt with them:

He met them in their mess, right where they were. People need to be reminded that it's not God who is far from us, but it's us who is far from Him. One step in the other direction and we see that Jesus was there all along, meeting us in our darkest hour. 
Meet people where they are this week. Run to the mess.

Before He confronted their sin, He embraced them as people not just a project. Jesus never condoned sin, but He always loved the sinner. His compassion and approach to people was so incredible that people repented and followed Him because of His overwhelming love. People who are jacked up don't need people to point that out; they already know. 
Remember to embrace people, their faults and all. Your compassion and sincerity will create soft soil in their hearts to receive the seed of the word of God. Love people for who they can become, not for what they've done.

Jesus always gave people the opportunity to follow Him. He invited them to repentance, healing, a life of peace, a life of forgiveness. If we only show people love or good deeds but never share Jesus then what's the point? Jesus' compassion had a purpose: restore mankind's relationship with God that had been broken by sin. 
Who are you inviting to experience Jesus? Who are you intentionally building relationships with to influence them to become followers of Christ? Invite someone to meet Jesus this week whether in person or a church invite. 

Today, four people publicly professed Christ as Savior. That should never get old to us church. As we start our new week, may we never forget to seek out those who need Jesus. It's why we do what we do. Have a blessed week church, I love and honor each of you.
Pastor B

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