Monday, September 30, 2013

Unleashed, Light the Night & More!

What a day, church! Before we started this series, we prayed for and believed for AT LEAST 30 salvations and 30 baptisms in 30 days. Once again, we set the bar way too low! Today, as we kicked off Unleashed, we saw 51 people come forward and respond to the gospel! I am speechless at what we saw God do today! I am so grateful for a team of people who prayed, believed, and came expecting to see life change. From the parking lot to the production booth, EVERYTHING was amazing! I can't express how much I love each and every one of you and your dedication and heart to serve. 

Throughout this series, you can interact and share what you want God to unleash in your life. You can go to a special website we have set up and submit your own Unleash statement. You can do this as many times as you want throughout the series. The site is Make sure to share the site and encourage others to participate. If the first week was this amazing, I can't wait to see what God is going to do during the rest of this series! At the end of October we will celebrate with baptisms. KEEP HANDING OUT THOSE INVITES, WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED!

Also, next Sunday night we are kicking off Love Week with a special event called Light the Night. We are encouraging everyone to show up between 5:00-5:30pm to begin writing their prayer requests on our Love Week cards to attach to LED balloons. After the worship experience, we will let the balloons go to light up the Portland sky! The worship experience will begin at 6:00pm at the gazebo in the middle of town. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring someone! It's going to be a unique and powerful way to kick off Love Week. 

If you want more info about all of the service projects for Love Week, you can email Shelly Gregory at She sent out an email Sunday evening with every single service project and opportunity for Love Week. I am fired up to see all of the service projects! Remember, we are believing for at least 2,000 hours of community service. Let's make Love Week a huge success and most of all, show our city the love of Jesus! I love you all, heart and soul.

Pastor B

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

GC Update

As you all know, summer is drawing to a close, and with it comes plenty of fall activities. Many of you are settling into sporting events, school functions, and more, so I wanted to keep everyone updated on some very important dates and events coming up for Generation Church.

September 20thOn this day, we will close on our brand-new 13 acre property! We will put up our "Future Home of Generation Church" sign and begin praying for God to bring the next phase of the dream to reality!

September 29thThis is the kickoff of our huge fall series entitled Unleashed. We are encouraging everyone to invite as many unchurched friends as they know to this series. We have invite cards, promo videos, and plenty of social media outlets to get the word out. Share the video, use the graphic, and hand out those cards! We are believing for 30/30 in 30. We hope to see at least 30 salvations and 30 baptisms in 30 days! YOU can be a part of helping someone become one of those 30! 

October 2nd: We have been asked to headline Fields of Faith this year! I have been asked to bring the message and Generation Worship will be leading worship on Wednesday night at 7pm. Fields of Faith is sponsored by the Sumner County FCA and each year we've seen great crowds at the event. The event will be held at the Portland East Middle School football field.

October 6thWe will kick-off Love Week with the Light the Night event in the middle of town at the gazebo. We will have a short worship service and then have prayer for what we are believing God will do during Love Week. We will release LED balloons with everyone's prayer request to light up the night sky! This will be a powerful event, so let's fill up the streets!

October 6th-12thGC Love Week! We are encouraging everyone to sign up and participate in our annual week of community service projects to better our city. We are anticipating over 2,000 hours of community service! 

October 12thWe will conclude Love Week on Saturday with a city-wide block party! Free food, music, and celebration for everything God does that week!

These are just a few of the major events coming up soon. If you have any questions, or you want to be involved in Love Week, contact us at If you haven't taken your next step to get involved, you can email us or visit the orange tent on Sunday morning. 

Let's pray that many lives are changed in the month of October as we prepare for God to move in our city in a huge way! Spread the word, and get people to Unleashed! I love you all, heart and soul.