As you all know, we have HUGE goals for 2013. We are believing God for the best year yet! We are quickly approaching our 1 year anniversary...can you believe it? It's almost been 1 year since launching a church that has seen hundreds of lives changed. And the best is yet to come! We are seeing lots of momentum carrying over from Christmas to the new year and with it brings growth. And that is exciting! We are already averaging close to 600 people. Remember, we are believing to build the foundation to see 1,000 on average. Our Dream Team is also growing quickly which is amazing!!! The magic number that we said would sustain such growth would be 250 regular Dream Team servers. At this rate, we will be there by Easter if not sooner!! That is our ultimate win, church!
Here's what I'm asking our team to do: we need as many of our Dream Team Owners to try to attend the 1st service to worship. So if you're not scheduled to serve, we need you to move to the 1st service to create room. If you do serve, we need more to switch to serving 2nd service and attending the 1st service. At the rate we are growing, we are looking at adding a 3rd service by March 10th (our 1 year anniversary service). But if we don't move some people to that 1st service, we may have to add the service quicker. We really want to be prepared to add a 3rd service, so help us by making room in our 2nd service.
Our new service times that we are looking at would be Sundays; 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30am. It's time for all of us to step our game up and do what it takes to continue to reach our community. Let's do this team! I absolutely LOVE our church and I love each of you!
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