Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why the 1,000 goal matters

As you all know, we've been praying, believing, and announcing for months that we are believing for over 1,000 people to attend our Christmas worship experiences this weekend. We are now just 3 days away from seeing that happen.
Now, many would say things or ask; "why are numbers so important?" "That's all you care about" or my personal favorite "bigger crowds, more money for the pastor's salary!". That last one makes me laugh hysterically every time! Big crowds do not equal more money and besides, the church has already paid for my Porsche. :)

Back to serious matters...numbers matter to God, so they matter to us. Don't believe me?

"What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."-Matthew 10:29-31

Have you ever counted the stars? God did:

"He counts the stars and calls them all by name"-Psalm 147:4

God counts stars, birds in the air and even the hairs on your head (for some, that's not difficult). He values those things so much that He keeps a record of it,  and yet He tells us that we are more valuable. You see every number represents someones life. It represents someones soul. Every family that walks through our doors this weekend represents a possible marriage on the rocks. Every child that experiences our GKids worship is getting quite possibly the only example of God's love. Every single mom that nervously attends, awaits judgment or odd looks because she's alone without a husband or a father for their child. They're looking to make some kind of sense of the madness that is their life, answers to things that no one has been able to elaborate on. But all they know is they want their children to have some kind of religion or church experience. They may not even realize that God is desperately searching for their hearts.

That is why every invitation you hand out matters. It's not even about the number 1,000's about each person, child, drug addict, teenager, alcoholic, husband, wife, dad, and mom that the number represents. If we don't see 1,000 people come through the door, is that a failure? NO WAY! Because remember, it's about what the number represents, not the number itself. We are believing for our largest attendance yet. Why? Because we are preparing and believing that we are going to present the gospel to many people that need Christ. If we aggressively seek those far from God, don't you think He cares way more about the numbers than we do?

You have 3 days, Generators. Who are you inviting?

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